Hypothyroid- Weight Loss and Isagenix
How can you know if your thyroid gland slowed its creation of thyroid hormone? The symptoms of decreased thyroid THA} synthesis, known as hypothyroidism, are hard to place. About 10 million people in america have thyroid disease and many others are undiscovered, under-diagnosed, or under-treated. Several times the symptoms--including some weakness and fatigue, weight gain, persistent constipation, or loss of} hair--are often mistaken as other illnesses or simply the aging process hence its nickname by physicians as "the great mimicker".
The thyroid gland, a small, butterfly-shaped gland that sits at the front of your neck and playsa key role in the endocrine system, which creates, directs, and regulates hormones throughout the body. The hormones produced by this gland T3 and T4, regulate the metobolic system {by providing energy to cells . Any time your thyroid will not produce enough of these necessary hormones, the balance of chemical reactions in the body can be upset and many times results in a stunted metabolism.
Weight gain is a common symptom of Hypothyroidism. Here are 5 things to consider, from your Isagenix Weight Loss Coach Team, if attempting a weight management program when you have an under-active thyroid:
5 Weight Loss and Low Thyroid Tips
- Meet with your Doctor
If you are experiencing the hypothyroidism, it's essential to get proper treatment from your physician. Diagnosis through a blood test will determine if synthetic hormones are needed. Vitally important to note that replacement thyroid hormones will help normalize hormone levels,but won't necessarily cause you to lose weight. Dietary changes must still be followed to help shed the pounds
2. Avoid foods that impede thyroid hormone absorption
If you are taking thyroid hormones, it’s important to avoid certain foods and nutrients that can affect absorption.
As an example , dietary calcium or iron can inhibit thyroid hormone absorption so many doctors recommend taking thyroid hormone replacement medication immediately upon waking and two to three hours from any calcium intake. - or iron-containing foods. Calcium and Irion are hidden ingredients in our foods so keep a close eye on your food intake. Goitrogenic foods should be avoided in their entirety - Lima beans, coffee beans, raw cruciferous vegetables ( like broccoli) and non-fermented soy are some good healthy, but not for you, foods to avoid.
2. Balanced meals with quality protein
The greatest Factor to basal metabolic rate (BMR)--the rate that your body burns calories--is muscle tissue. Even when you are at rest (such as sleeping), muscle requires energy to rebuild and restore. For this reason, it's beneficial to keep muscle for those trying to lose weight.
Meals higher in protein compared to other macronutrients (carbohydrates and fats) can help to help maintain muscle mass resulting in a higher BMR, faster metabolism, and greater energy expenditure.
3. Carefully choose your calories
Trying to lose weight? Make every calorie count. This is even more emphasized when dealing with a slugish metabolism. It's important to limit "empty" calories such as sugary drinks, white-flour pastas and breads, and refined sugars that can quickly spike blood sugar and leave you feeling hungry and fatigued.
Choose portion-controlled foods higher in dietary fiber to help curb your appetite and keep you feeling satisfied longer. In addition to curbing cravings, a high fiber diet can help avoid hypothyroidism-induced constipation.
4. With your doctor’s permission - Get Moving.
Even slow starts can achieve big results. Add more activity to your daily life or consult a trainer for assistance. Isagenix also has some free exercise videos to help you get more fit and lose more weight.
5. Get your Vitamins and Minerals
Iodine and selenium are important for thyroid health. Sources of iodine include iodized salt and sea vegetables such as kelp}.Sources of selenium include meat products, seafood, dairy, and Brazil nuts. Also, you can supplement your diet with a high quality vitamin.
Isagenix has the right tools to help you successfully lose weight and the highest quality mineral supplementation available. Best of all you will get your own, personal, health coach when you sign up as an Associate or Preferred Customer. You have nothing to lose but weight!
originally found in its entirety at http://www.isagenixhealth.net/hypothyroidism-weight-problems/