Are you dragging your feet on presenting your Isagenix business to friends and family ? Try leaving Isagenix promotional products in these places to get some new business
Car Dealerships
Doctors Offices ( don't forget to present to the doctor)
Taning Salons
Hair and Nail Salons ( why not ask the owner to sign up ?)
Health Food Restaurants
Maybe you could also
Sponsor your local PTA / PTO website
Religious Organization flier
Gym ( ask the personal trainers ) ( sponsor some related groups)
Craig's List , Kijiji and similar
Everyone you never ask will never know about your business !
Car Dealerships
Doctors Offices ( don't forget to present to the doctor)
Taning Salons
Hair and Nail Salons ( why not ask the owner to sign up ?)
Health Food Restaurants
Maybe you could also
Sponsor your local PTA / PTO website
Religious Organization flier
Gym ( ask the personal trainers ) ( sponsor some related groups)
Craig's List , Kijiji and similar
Everyone you never ask will never know about your business !